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                              Right Shifter

The right shifter has been damaged during the accident. Here is a picture of the
left shifter, notice the shape of the top trigger (near the brake):


Now, here is the left shifter, notice the piece  of  metal  coming  out  of  the
trigger.  It seems like the  trigger  has  been  pushed  completely  inside  the
shifter, making this piece of metal come out:


Needless to say, the right shifter is unusable.

 Bike/Bike_Accident       Bike/Front_Wheel       Bike/Fork       Bike/Handlebar 
 Bike/Rear_Derailleur     Bike/Right_Shifter     Bike/Helmet     Bike/Misc 

2007/06/06                                      Debian / W3C / vim / PHP powered