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                                  Front Wheel

In the accident, the right front wheel of the car rolled over the bottom part of
my front wheel, pressing and dragging it on the floor.  Needless to say, I  went
flying on the sidewalk.

Below is the wheel right after the accident, you can see the marks left  by  the
pavement.  We can clearly see on the closeup the motion the wheel must have  had
while it was dragged on the floor.  The white marks on the tire shows the  inner
fabric of the tire.


Here is another closeup after removing the tire:


View from the top, we can clearly see a "S" shape, the wheel  is  destroyed.   I
believe the notch is were the rim hit the curb in the accident.


A closeup on the notch:


Here we can see the part of the wheel that was dragged on the pavement:


Finally, the wheel axle is completely torn on both sides of the wheel:


 Bike/Bike_Accident       Bike/Front_Wheel       Bike/Fork       Bike/Handlebar 
 Bike/Rear_Derailleur     Bike/Right_Shifter     Bike/Helmet     Bike/Misc 

2007/06/06                                      Debian / W3C / vim / PHP powered