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In the accident, the fork was dragged on the pavement as well, leaving a lot  of
aluminum on the pavement, as shown in the pictures below. I believe the fork is
not usable as is, its integrity cannot be guaranteed anymore.

Here is the left side of the fork, you can see there is no damage,  the  end  of
the fork as the shape of a cylinder:


Now, for the right side, it's another story.  On the  pictures  below,  you  can
clearly see the cut in the cylinder  I  was  mentioning  above.   You  can  also
clearly see the "dragging marks" left by the pavement:


 Bike/Bike_Accident       Bike/Front_Wheel       Bike/Fork       Bike/Handlebar 
 Bike/Rear_Derailleur     Bike/Right_Shifter     Bike/Helmet     Bike/Misc 

2007/06/06                                      Debian / W3C / vim / PHP powered